- 10th (Jun, 25th)
- Research Progress
- Presenter: Li (M2)
- Title: Relationship between (a)biotic factors and raindrop erosivity in coniferous plantations.
- Topic Review
- Presenter: Abe (M2)
- Title: Effects of root damage on aboveground production.
- 11th (Jul, 1st)
- Paper Review
- Presenter: Fu (M1)
- Title: Measuring nitrogen and phosphorus uptake by intact roots of Mature Acer saccharum March., Pinus resinosa Ait., and Picea abies (L.) Karst
- Presenter: Kamitani (M1)
- Title: The effect of strip thinning on spatial and temporal variability of throughfall in a Japanese cypress plantation
- 12th (Jul, 8th)
- Paper Review
- Presenter: Oyamada (B4)
- Title: Effects of soil erosion and reforestation on soil respiration, organic carbon and nitrogen stocks in an eroded area of southern China.
- Presenter: Tanaka (b4)
- Title: Spatial differences of organic matter retention and litter decomposition rates in a mountain stream
- 13th (Jul, 15th)
- Paper Review
- Presentor: Matsumoto (B4)
- Title: To learn more about fine roots
- Research Plan
- Presenter: Larisa
- Title: Research Plan